Luis Berrizbeitia, MD - Thoracic Surgery, University Medical Center Princeton
Robert Caccavale, MD - Thoracic Surgery, Saint Peter’s University Hospital
Irving H. Kaufman, MD - Family, Adolescent & Geriatric Medicine
Benjamin Rosenbluth, MD – Department of Radiation Oncology, Holy Name Hospital
Mika Sovak, MD - Medical Oncology,CINJ
Kathleen Toomey, MD – Medical Oncology,Somerset Hospital
In 2009, 219,000 people are expected to be diagnosed with lung cancer
Only smokers get lung cancer
Lung Cancer kills more people than breast, prostate and colon cancer combined
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in non smokers
Lung cancer is an “old man’s disease.
The five year survival rate is approximately 15%
I stopped smoking 30 years ago, so my risk for lung cancer is the same as someone who never smoked.
Lung cancer research is significantly underfunded.
Lung cancer is not treatable
Every hour approximately 19 people will die from lung cancer.